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: Interaction at Events, Phuket Conference Venue

How to Encourage Interaction at Events

One of the risks of running an event is that, once you’ve got people into your Phuket conference venue, the inactivity of sitting and watching a lecture with combine with the comfort of the seating and the satisfaction from a hearty lunch to put attendees to sleep. Getting people moving and interacting is essential for…

Hidden Conference Costs, Meeting Budget in Phuket

How to Spot Hidden Conference Costs

A Phuket conference venue and catering will generally take up the bulk of the budget for your event. However, every experienced conference organiser knows that the final price is of the venue is rarely the same as the first price you were quoted. Leaving a considerable buffer in your budget is definitely advisable, but isn’t…

Comfortable Event, Meeting in Phuket

How to Make Your Event More Comfortable

Attending an event at a Phuket conference venue is probably quite a memorable thing already, but the trend in event planning is increasingly towards placing supreme importance on the delegate experience, just to be sure. A major part of that trend is moving away from speaker-led conferences and instead focusing on interactive sessions. Venues and…

presentation tips, phuket meeting

5 Tips for Planning Your Conference Presentation

There is a skill to keeping an audience enthralled at a Phuket conference venue, and it’s not one that everyone possesses. Many an interesting topic has been poorly communicated because the speaker wasn’t properly prepared. They end up losing their audience in inane slides, drawn-out explanations and random, inconsequential tangents. Getting the planning of your…

promote meeting, meeting in phuket

4 Tips for Promoting Your Conference

You can book the best Phuket conference venue, arrange a first-class line-up of speakers and have every tiny detail organised, but all of that effort is completely worthless if no one shows up. Marketing and promoting your conference is arguably the most important aspect of events planning. We’ve got a few tips about how to…