Phuket Meeting Conference

Tips for Hosting a Conference in a Historical Venue

A lot of advice about choosing your Phuket conference venue (or venues anywhere in the world) strongly suggest using the most modern facility available, with all of the bells and whistles, the latest technology and the most cavernous conference space. What do you do when such a facility is not available? What happens if you don’t have the luxury of choice? You make the most of what you’ve got and you work to the venue’s strengths. As an example, let’s look at the kinds of considerations you should be thinking about when hosting a conference in a historical venue.


Embrace the intimacy

One of the biggest problems with older venues is their size. It obviously depends on how old the Phuket conference venue is, but if it was built before events were the big deal they are today, it could be quite a token affair, which will severely limit the number of attendees. However, that’s not always a bad thing. A modest meeting with limited numbers of people can mean a more detailed conversation between delegates, with everyone contributing. It can give the event greater focus and may lead to more useful conclusions.



Embrace the outdoors

Limited indoor space doesn’t necessarily have to limit the size of your event. Some older Phuket meeting hotels have plenty of outdoor space, which you can spread some elements of your conference into. The weather in Phuket, particularly in the high season, is fantastic and reliably sunny. If you’re going to come to such a beautiful destination for your conference, it would be a shame to spend all of your time indoors, anyway.


Embrace the history

You can learn a lot from the past, and visiting a charming historical destination like Phuket can be a great opportunity to study it. The island’s economy has evolved a lot, from being led by rubber, to tin, to tourism. Including breaks in your event schedule for people to explore their surroundings will not only give them a chance to recharge, but also time to appreciate the lessons learnt over the past centuries, and how they can apply to their own industry.



Add a modern twist

Just because your Phuket conference venue is old-fashioned doesn’t mean everything about your event has to be. An effective counterpoint to the classical surroundings can be, for example, super-modern catering. Give your delegates the opportunity to try the latest health food trends with some “superfood” smoothies for a bit of an energy boost and a taste of the future in a venue from the past.